Album ac dc dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Album ac dc dirty deeds done dirt cheap

A truly heartwarming ditty, the song serves as an advertisement for the singer’s nefarious services, a business that involves solving a listener’s problems with the opposite sex for a “dirt cheap” rate with “dirty deeds”. Such dirty deeds include the use of such common household products as concrete shoes, cyanide, neckties, contracts, and high voltage. Like the best FPAs, the song is designed to offend sensitive listeners and to create controversy, all while permitting true fans to raise their fists in musical solidarity. The title track of the album of the same name, the song was first released in Australia in September 1976, featuring Bon Scott on lead vocals. Yes, kids, I’m talking about Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap, the stone cold butt-rock classic FPA from arguably the quintessential FPA band, Australian rockers AC/DC. And then there are the category-bridging pop classics, with their own special shout-outs: see, for example, George Michael’s I Want Your Sex ( “C-C-C-C-C-C’mon!”), These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ by Nancy Sinatra ( “Are you ready boots? START WALKIN’!”) and of course, everyone’s favorite by the Spice Girls ( “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I WANNA REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA ZIG-A-ZIG HA!”) But for me, the all time greatest FPA comes down to three words: DONE. There are the obvious rawknroll candidates, such as Song 2 by Blur ( “WOO HOO!”), the Rolling Stones ( “I can’t GET NO! SATISFACTION!”) and Lenny Kravitz ( “AREYOUGONNAGOMYWAY?”) Then there are the dance club monsters, best represented by Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ ( “HEE, HAW, HOOO!”), Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars ( “UP-TOWN, FUNK YOU UP, SAID UPTOWN FUNK YOU UP!”) and Tom Jones’ version of Kiss ( “THINK I BETTA DANCE NOW!”). Yes, folks, you’ve just become a victim of that most frightening and wonderful category of pop song: the Fist Pump Anthem (FPA). Without warning you scream or shout the lyrics, to your personal glee and to the embarrassment of your friends and neighbours.


And you wait for it patiently, the break in the song that signals your participation, the invitation to join in, to wail along at full volume. You slowly crank up the volume, tap your toes and start quietly humming along. The song comes on the radio, or on the headphones, and you know it instantly, reflexively. You’re driving down the road, taking the tube, shopping in the mall, and all of a sudden, it happens. punk legends FEAR, who take us all the way back to 1976, one year before FEAR’s founding, with a vicious take on massive hit “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.No one wants to admit it, but we’ve all fallen prey to it. Hear songs such as “Hell’s Bells,” “It’s A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock N’ Roll),” “You Shook Me All Night Long” and more cranked up to 11 and injected with a heavy jolt of punk rock energy! What happens when you take some of the best punk rock bands of the last 30 years and turn them loose on some of the greatest hard rock songs by venerated Aussies AC/DC? Sparks fly, juices flow, and heads explode! High Voltage Punk is a collection of brand new recordings from a murderer’s row of punk veterans and icons from England, Scotland, and The U.S.

Album ac dc dirty deeds done dirt cheap